- Breed
- Wolf Dog
- Birthdate
- 06 March 2021
- Age
- 3 years
- Sex
- Birth litter
"V3" Black
- Parent in litters
"O3" Black
- Microchip
- 123456789123
- LO12345678
- Breeder
Laura Caldronetto
- Owner
Giulio Taralli
- Hip dysplasia (HD)
- A
- Elbow dysplasia (ED)
- 0
- Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM)
- Clear (N/N) parentage
- Leukoencephalopathy
- Clear (N/N)
Here the description of this animal will be shown. It is not mandatory but it can be useful to give further information to the visitor.
01 March 2023
Austria Top Dog
- 1
26 February 2023
Austria Championship
- 2
05 March 2022
Italian Championship
- 1
- 05/03/2022 - Italian Championship
- 1
- 01/03/2023 - Austria Top Dog
- 1
- 26/02/2023 - Austria Championship
- 2
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